Monday 10 September 2007

Bisy Backson

First things first and this is old news but still newsworthy... I'm an aunty again! Bonnie was born to Tina and Jason on 25th of July much to Tina's immense relief as the pregnancy was no fun at all but thankfully it was all worth it... isn't she lovely? (Jessie and Dax certainly look pleased!)

So hopefully by now you've read my latest newsletter and you know all about the Bisy Backson that I've been. It's over a month since my last post, but now that you've read the newsletter, there's only my day trip to Tai O left to report.

Kathryn, Nic, Laura, Amanda and I headed off to Tai O one very smoggy Sunday (yes, the winds have changed and the days of clear skies are pretty much over until next year I am told - sigh). The visibility of zero was a little disappointing, but there was no mistaking our arrival at Tai O, a fishing village on the west side of Lantau Island, for it's distinctly dried-seafood smell. I would be surprised if there was anything seafood that you couldn't get in Tai O. The village is mostly made up of houses on stilts and small stalls selling all manner of sea creatures, wet and dried. We arrived hungry, as you do, so headed straight for 'The Good View' restaurant which was completely lacking in windows let alone a good view - rather a point of curiosity. But the lack of a view hardly interferes with serious eating so we concentrated on the food, which filled the empty tummies but nothing worth writing home about - except perhaps for the ugliest prawns you ever did see which Nic insists are called Pissing Prawns. They are mostly shell and guts from what I could tell. I'm usually willing to give a food item at least one go and came to conclude that these little critters weren't worth the effort for the tiny morsel of meat you end up with after all the other bits are removed. The other girls were of the same mind so it was left to Nic to dispose of the entire plate of prawns. It wasn't a lot of food, just extremely time consuming. But we all thought he persevered well and got his money's worth and we finally moved on to see the sights and smell the oceanic odors that Tai O had to offer.

After exploring the market and some of the village, we hopped on a little boat which for the grand total of $3 (AUD) took us out to sea to look for dolphins and then back through a canal lined with stilted houses. There weren't any dolphins which was hardly surprising as the outboard motor on the boat would have driven away anything with any sensitivity (and I believe dolphins are rather sensitive - at least they have enough sense to keep away from these loud boats and gawking tourists), but the ride was fab... especially going through the canal and seeing how people live on the water's edge. I've included a short video clip for you to see:

I have also posted some photos which you can view by going to the link under 'my pics' called 'Tai O - Sep 07. I've got more pics of other things I've been doing... will try to upload them soon. Lotsalove xxx

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