Thursday 8 March 2007

So Long Farewell...

It's less than 2 hours before I have to leave for the airport to fly to Hong Kong and while mum is madly cleaning Pa's place I'm hurriedly catching up on my blog before I go. SO much to do in order to leave the country for a year. What would I do without me mudda...? eg: Are you taking your electric toothbrush? said she. Yeees... Why? said I, thinking it was safely packed in my bag. Because the base of it is here in the bathroom (which she was scrubbing to within an inch of it's life). Oh, says I. Good one mum. And so on. Managed to fit 3 bags worth of clothes into one thanks to Phillipa's fab idea of condensing everything with vacpac bags. Suck out the air with a vac and watch a huge pile become a condensed mass. Unfortunately it only reduces volume and not weight. Maybe that will be the next invention.

So, many of us enjoyed a family fiasco on Saturday to celebrate Phil's 30th birthday and to farewell me. It was the fiasco to beat all fiascos. Some of us were a little overwhelmed by the frenzie of children (namely those of us without children ourselves... eg. me and Kate)... but it was the best and most comprehensive - in terms of attendance - family gathering for quite some time and hence highly special for it's rarity among other things. We, generally speaking as a family, have certainly gone forth and multiplied. The pic above are all the little tuckers we've come forth with (except Dax who was napping... Karen and Tina's wee ones yet to join us, and David's Charlie who was in Melbourne).

One of the highlights of the fiasco was 3 year old Jessie doing her hoola-hooping (sp?)... I happened to get a rather funny (me and Tina thought) little clip of her in action which I will attempt to post on my blog but can't work out how to do it right now. Stay tuned for that. Meanwhile there's lots of photos of the family gathering for you to view... Go to the link under My Pics to your left: A Birthday and Farewell.

There's lots more to report... especially about Phillipa and family visiting from Perth and Tina and family visiting from Bellingen. Should do another album for that too... But gotta go get a plane shortly, so will be coming to you from Hong Kong next posting. Now for a wee bit of mushy stuff: thank you so much to everyone for your love and support for me going to Crossroads. Hope you will stay tuned and keep reading my blog and email me to let me know your news too. Will miss you!!

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