Monday 21 May 2007

Crossing to the dark side...

Has it really been 3 weeks since my last post? So what's been happening you want to know?! Well... it's been raining a lot, I've had a very sore back and I've gone and bought myself a pc lap-top (gasp#** and horror!).

So I was a bit tired of being only half in on the whole network compatibility thing... trecking solo as the only mac through a pc jungle. It was time and I could no longer resist CROSSING TO THE DARK SIDE!!!! Actually, I thought it might make me a bit melancholic, turning my back on my beloved mac, but I hate to admit it (mainly to the die-hard mac-lovers out there), I haven't looked back! I'm loving it in fact! Oh compatibility plus! Oh to copy and paste file paths in IM's and be able to print directly from my own computer and be able to use a webcam with skype etc. etc. etc...

So, what with moving computers and seemingly endless visits to the chiro (for a bulging disc, ouch), it's been a hectic couple of weeks. I did manage to squeeze in a visit to Hong Kong's wetlands which is situated on the Chinese boarder and has mercifully been preserved and turned into a park and educational facility. It is truly beautiful, but one can't help imagine it would have been so much more so before the surrounding high rises had risen so high (and abundantly). Check out the pics by hitting the link 'HK Wetland Park' under 'My Pics' to your left somewhere.

One of my jobs here is to document container loadings pictorially as they are happening. Thought you might like to see a few pics of the latest loading of a shipment currently bound for Cameroon. It's hard to believe all this stuff will fit into a 40 foot container...

A very nice person offered to take a picture of the photographer (me) which doesn't happen very often... so here I am with the hard working guys who loaded the container in 30 degree heat and 100% humidity!

Packing a container is quite an art. It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle with pieces that don't have a picture on them, but they make a beautiful picture in the end none-the-less!! The wonderful sight of a container packed with priceless goods ready to make a difference to many lives!


Anonymous said...

Hi marnie,
I just added your blog to my RSS feeder - it's a great blog!

Sorry about the Mac thing ;-) We are simply not as highly evolved as you, hehe.

Unknown said...

Hey Marnie,

Great blog as usual - was looking at your Mar/April pictures and having a moment of missing all of the cr team so much- you've really captured them so beautifully -anyway glad you've come over to the dark side with the rest of us - although the Mac adverts are the best:)